Natural ADHD Treatment

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. It used to be known just as Attention Deficit Disorder until 1994 when they changed the name and had it broken into three subcategories.

These subcategories for ADD with some symptoms include:

  1. Inattentive type – difficulty following instructions, can’t pay attention to any detail or makes careless errors in schoolwork.
  2. Hyperactive-impulsive type – has difficulty staying in one spot, excessive talking, blurting our answers before even hearing the full question.
  3. Combined type – a combination of the two first subcategories.

An evaluation is done to determine if a person has a diagnosis with this disorder since there is no test to take to determine the case. These evaluations are supervised by a doctor or psychiatrist.

There are different treatments that are provided for patients diagnosed with ADHD. While there are medications that can be used to help treat ADHD, indeed tis is the most common route, there are other alternative treatments besides the prescription therapy. Some of these ADHD treatments have high success rates as well as minimal side effects, these include Diet, Chiropractic Care, Candida Yeast Treatments, Nutritional Supplements and Herbal Remedies, Anti-Motion Sickness Medication, Cerebellar Training, Interactive Metronome Training, Behavior Therapy, Vision Therapy, and Auditory Stimulation.

These alternative treatments have a mountain of scientific studies and testimonials by parents attesting to their ability to treat ADHD. However there is no evidence that any of these treatments will work for all children with ADHD as treatment success will vary from individual to individual.

Let’s take a closer look at a few of these Natural Treatments for ADHD.

Diet for ADHD

Numerous studies have been done to determine if there is a possible link between ADHD and daily diet. A few studies have shown that it is possible in children, but there is not any definite evidence of there being a link. People will continue to look for alternative treatments for ADHD, but it is important that they make sure to study the research and ask a doctor, to be sure that the techniques are effective and safe.

Behavior Therapy

This treatment helps to increase the good behavior of the child, by providing positive rewards to increasing the child’s motivation to please the parents. When inappropriate behavior happens then they recognize the negative consequences with such actions.

EEG Neurotherapy

EEG Neurotherapy has been used for over 24 years. This therapy, depending on the level of activity, emits various types of brainwaves. When getting biofeedback the patient is trained to increase activity of the brainwave to be more consistent with the level of someone without ADHD. A recent research indicated that central nervous systems that are faulty, regulates certain aspects of the arousal and attention of this disorder. Many parents have stated positive feedback on this therapy and some studies have been published which show positive results.

Auditory Stimulation

This is a method of the children or individual listens to music while accomplishing a task. There is some evidence of effectiveness, but it is more of a technique of helping the individual perform tasks than a real treatment. Studies have been done and have shown it has helped children do better at accomplishing a task then they did without the music.

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